Dragon’s Dogma 144

Dragon’s Dogma 144 is a multi-channel visualization of streaming duplication, that is, how often video game streaming reproduces and reiterates existing gameplay sections, especially tutorials and cutscenes. In particular, it showcases 144 streams of Dragon’s Dogma 2 which took place in the first nine days of the game’s release, from March 22nd, 2024 - March 31st, 2024. These streams were scraped from Twitch.tv’s VODs, and because Twitch eventually removes old VODs, this is now the only record of these streams. That is, from Twitch, anyway, many streamers do reupload to Youtube. As overwhelming as this is, these streams comprise a small amount, 0.72%, of the 20,216 channels which streamed Dragon’s Dogma 2 during those first nine days, which hopefully underlines just how many channels were streaming this exact same content.

This project is intended to be experienced as a 16-screen multichannel project, where each block of 3x3 videos is its own screen. Unfortunately, I can’t replicate that experience here. The streamers whose streams are used in this project are listed here (listed by 3x3 block, left to right, top to bottom). I was restricted in what streamers I could use by who had VODs of their streams available, so there are a range of streamers ranging from the famous to the so-obscure that their channels are already wiped from the internet. The individual 3x3 videos are laid out as intended in the multi-screen experience below.